I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful day with family and friends and lots of yummy food :)
And for anyone Black Friday shopping I wish you good luck; you won't catch me lining up at Best Buy tonight... I have to work at 7am tomorrow, so wish ME luck and wakefulness for my whole eight hour shift full of hungry tired shoppers.
I had a great day with my family and friends! I for one am thankful for many things this holiday season. My health and the health of my friends with and without Narcaplexy, my family for being supportive of me every day with my sleepiness struggles and regular teenager-in-her-senior-year sturggles, my friends for keeping me awake and making me laugh until I have cataplexy attacks... then making sure I'm okay and making me laugh some more, and everything else that's going well in my life.
What are you thankful for?